How To Show Featured Images in a Lightbox Using Genesis

The templates in this download folder enable you to use jQuery to show your featured images on archives and single posts in a lightbox modal which pops up when you click on your post thumbnails. No plugins required.

Image Lightbox Genesis

The archive template which displays your featured images in a grid, also enables you to customize/modify all archive page elements including the layout, page title and description, entry meta and post title.

Demo Video

Shows the featured images displaying in a grid on category archives pages and opening in a lightbox on image click.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress however will work in any Genesis child theme without the need for modification in most cases.

Installation Steps

There’s 2 steps :

  1. # Upload the category-lightbox.php file to your child theme folder like this :

    Note : Name the file according to the WordPress Template Hierqrchy based on which types of archives you want use the lightbox on.

  3. # Upload the lightbox.css, lightbox.js and single.php file to your child theme folder like this :

    Note : If you don’t want the featured image on single posts to display in a lightbox, don’t upload the single.php file.

Download Folder

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