Custom Block To Select Individual Entries Unique On Each Single Post

The code in this download folder adds a custom block which enables you to select individual entries from posts, pages & custom post types displayed in any number of grid columns.

The above screenshot shows the block added on a single Edit Post screen which includes a drop down list of single posts you can select for inclusion in your grid. Watch the following demo video to learn more.

Demo Video

Shows a Selected Posts box added after the editor on the Edit Post screen enabling the user to select specific posts to display in a grid on specific single posts and pages.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme & the 2021 default theme for WordPress. Works in any WordPress theme.

Installation Steps

There’s 3 steps :

  1. # Upload the folder named selected-posts to your child themes blocks folder like this :

  3. # Copy & paste the PHP code ( without the opening PHP tag ) to the end of your child themes functions file.

  5. # Install ACF, in your Dashboard, go to Custom Fields > Tools and import the .json file.

The code works with the Genesis Custom Blocks plugin and the Advanced Custom Fields ( ACF ) plugin by Elliot Condon.

Download Folder

Theme Specific Code

The block.php file contains code which works in any WordPress theme as well as code which only works in Genesis child themes ( by default, this code is commented out ). Only use 1 solution.

This is the demo video showing the custom block working in the Twenty twenty One default theme for WordPress.

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