Writing Settings in WordPress – Video 18

The writing settings enable you to configure the size of your post box and assign new post drafts to a default category.

These are the 2 main settings you should focus on when your first setup your new WordPress installation.


Size of the post box – The size of the post box refers to how big or small you want the area in your editor to be when writing or editing posts.

Formatting – This settings allows you to 

Default Post Category – After you have created a few main categories, you can use this setting to assign new post drafts to a particular category. If you don’t assign each post to a category, new post will automatically be assigned to this default category.

Post via e-mail – WordPress allows you to setup a secret email address which enable you to post via email.

Remote Publishing – These settings allow you to setup your installation so you can send new post via MS Word or Windows live writer.


Its important that you setup any type of remote publishing or post via e-mail correctly otherwise your site may become vunerable to security breaches.

Allowing remote access also allows access to your Dashboard and therefore, your entire installation.

Next Video

Its time to check out the different reading settings WordPress offers.

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  1. […] now take a brief look at the settings for writing in WordPress. Never Miss a […]

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