Reading Settings in WordPress – Video 19

Ever wanted to turn WordPress into a website for static pages only?

Thought about creating a custom designed page which you want to use on your homepage?

The reading settings in WordPress enable you to do both of these things.


Front page displays – Choose a page to display on your home page. This can either be your latest post or a static page you have created especially for your front page.

Blog pages show at most – Regardless of where you want to display your latest posts, this setting allows you to determine exactly how may posts you want on each page of your blog.

Syndication feeds show the most recent – This settings allows you to determine how many posts you want displayed in your syndication feed.

Read more about RSS feeds and setting up Feedburner to manage your syndication feed.

For each article in a feed, show – Select to display either a summary of each post or the full text in your RSS feed.

Next Video

Next, we’ll take a look at the discussion settings for managing comments in WordPress.

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