Discussion Settings in WordPress – Video 20

Your discussion settings allow you to configure how you want to manage comments.

They also allow you to set a default for displaying of a small image, avatar, next to each comment author.

The settings on this page are very important for managing spam which can be a wiped out if you configure these settings correctly.

Read more about how to stop comment spam using the discussion Settings.

Anti Spam Plugins for Comments

Additionally, WordPress offer a range of free plugins which further enhance and help manage comments & spam better:

Control Comments

Another option, if you want to use WordPress for w static website, is to turn comments off entirely.

If you are not sure if a comment is pam or not and still want to approve the comment, you may choose to edit or remove the link and approve it.

Comment Avatars

Each time a site visitor leaves a comment, a small image will display next to their comment.

This is called an avatar but unfortunatley, not everyone that leaves a comment has or uses one.

Luckily, there’s 3 ways to 3 Ways To Change The Default Avatar Image so 9 times out of ten, they’ll always be an image next to each comment.

Plugins Which Integrate With Social Media

Did you know you can integrate your Facebook comments in WordPress?

This is a great way to share your blog comments on your Facebook page and bring more readers from Facebook to comment on your blog.

Comments to Subscribers

A great plugin for redirecting readers who leave a comment to subscribers is the comment redirect plugin.

This enables you to redirect everyone that leaves a comment to a special page which you create.

This page can include a landing page to help you increase subscribers as well as social media subscribe and follow links.

Next Video

We’re on the home straight now folks and next up we’ll check out what Permalinks are in WordPress.

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