Permalink Settings in WordPress – Video 21

Each page, post, category, tag and archives uses a unique link.

This is what WordPress calls, a permalink which is short for permanent link.

That doesn’t mean it can’t be changed, it can, as long as you know what you are doing.

You can also choose which type of structure you want to use for your permalinks.

Choosing a Permalink Stucture

Lets take a look at an example what permalink structure you can choose after you first install WordPress.

  • Default –
  • Day and name –
  • Month and name –
  • Numeric –
  • Post name –
  • Custom Structure – /%category%/%postname%/

You can use any one of these depending on what you want included in each unique link on your site.

It’s best Not to use the default as it doesn’t really tell the search engines or your readers whats on the page it links to.

Here’s some more resources to help you learn about Permalinks and solve any problems you may encounter down the track.

Next Video

Nearly finished folks. Next up we’ll check out other settings i’ll call Misc Settings in WordPress.

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