Always Display Responsive Mobile Menu Icon In Altitude Pro


This solution enables you to always display your mobile menu at every screen width when using the Altitude Pro child theme for Genesis.

Always Show Mobile Menu Altitude Pro


You can choose to use a fixed or unfixed header which determines how your mobile drop down menu displays when its clicked and opened.

  • Fix the site header so the mobile menu always displays on scroll and display your menu over your the page when activated.
  • Unfix your site header and push the content after the header down when your mobile menu is activated.


There’s 2 steps :

Step 1 – Remove the giant CSS rule wrapped in a media query between lines 2021 to 2200.

Step 2 – Copy & paste the CSS rules from the style.css file in the download to the end of your Altitude Pro themes style sheet and remember to clear caching.

Note : The CSS is commented enabling you to choose where you want to display your icon in your site header ( near the middle or floated to the right ). You can also choose how to display your mobile drop down menu when its opened ( either over your content or pushing your content down ).

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