List Shipping Addresses With Processing Status – WooCommerce


This code enables you to display a list of shipping addresses for labelling new orders which have the status of processing.

  • You can display the list by selecting the template on any new or existing page
  • or use a custom function with any hook or in any template file or functions file.

The code works with the both Genesis and no Genesis themes and is tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress & the Twenty Twenty default theme for WordPress.

What’s Included

  1. 1 year code updates
  2. Free installation for absolute beginners.
  3. 2 templates. 1 for usage with Genesis child themes and the other for non Genesis themes.
  4. 1 custom function for usage in any WordPress theme with any WordPress or theme specific hook.


Upload the file named twentytwenty-shipping.php to your child theme folder and select the Template named Shipping Addresses from any Edit Page or Edit Post screen in the Page Attributes meta box.

If using Genesis, upload the file named genesis-shipping.php.

If using the custom function instead of a template, copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of your child themes functions file.

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