Custom Products Loop Template With Pagination for WooCommerce

Code Demo

This custom page template enables you to show any woocommerce products using a page template in any theme like your own custom shop page. You can use this template to control exactly which products are displayed on the page including on the 1st page and all subsequent pages.

Custom WC Get Products Loop Template With Pagination

The template also includes sorting.

Includes all the standard shop loop hooks for WooCommerce archive pages.

Template Installation

There’s only 1 step :

Upload the template file named wc-custom-products.php to your child theme folder, templates folder or custom functionality plugin and select it from the Page Attributes box on the Edit Page screen as seen in the demo video.

You can then modify/add to the array of wc_get_products parameters to display any products you like.

Usage in Any Theme

Replace the content class or classes in the template file named wc-custom-products.php with the content class or classes your themes single page template uses. You can get these simply by inspecting the source code of a single page your theme loads.

Example :

<main id="main" class="site-main">


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