Minimum Order Total Based on Shipping Method Woocommerce


The PHP code in this zip folder enables the storeowner to set conditions to prevent checkout based on the minimum order amount and shipping method. In this example, the minimum order amount is set at 350 conditional only when the local pickup shipping method is selected.

The code :

  • Removes the Proceed to checkout button & displays a minimum order notice when the set shipping method is selected.
  • Enables checkout & removes the minimum order total error notice when not using the set shipping method.
  • Doesn’t have any affect when using any shipping method other than the method you set in the code.

Shows a notice added to the cart page when the chosen shipping method is selected and the min amount is below the amount set in the code.


There’s 2 simple steps :

1. Copy And paste to the end of your child themes functions file or custom functions plugin.
2. Set the minimum order amount on line 11 and the shipping method id on line 12.


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