How To Show Low Stock Banner on the Product Catalog Page in WooCommerce

The custom code in this download folder displays a Low Stock Banner over the product image on shop page archives.


There’s only 1 step :

Copy and paste the PHP code to the end of your child themes functions file or custom functionality/code snippets plugin.

Download Folder

Developers : How The Code Works

Here’s a break down describing how the code works:

  1. add_low_stock_banner_to_archive function :
  • This function is hooked into the woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title action, which is called before the title of each product on the archive page.
  • It starts by getting the stock quantity of the current product using the $product->get_stock_quantity() method.
  • It then retrieves the low stock threshold value from a custom field _low_stock_threshold using get_post_meta($product->get_id(), '_low_stock_threshold', true). This value is stored in the WordPress database for each product.
  • If the low stock threshold is not set empty, it falls back to using the stock quantity as the threshold value.
  • It checks if the stock quantity is less than or equal to the low stock threshold and greater than 0. If this condition is true, it means the product is low in stock.
  • If the product is low in stock, it echoes a div element with the class low-stock-banner containing the text “Low Stock”.
  1. add_low_stock_banner_styles function :

    This function is hooked into wp_head and adds some inline CSS styles for the low stock banner. The styles include a red background color, white text color, padding, and absolute positioning to place the banner at the top left corner of the product image.

In summary, this code dynamically checks whether a product is low in stock based on a threshold value. If a low stock threshold is set for a product, it uses that value; otherwise, it uses the stock quantity. If the product is considered low in stock, a “Low Stock” banner is displayed on the archive page near the product title. The styles for the banner are defined in the add_low_stock_banner_styles function inline.

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