Sort Products by Parent Category Include or Exclude Children WooCommerce

Code Demo

The code in this digital download enables you to sort and filter products by category on your shop page in WoooCommerce. You can :

  • Exclude child categories. Select your parent category from the drop down menu and click Apply Filters.
  • Include child categories. Select your parent category from the drop down menu and click Include Children.
  • Clear filters

When the Include Children button is used, products from all child levels will be displayed including child, child child and so on.

Demo Video

Shows products from the parent category displaying when selected from the drop down menu and products assigned to child of the parent also displaying when the Include Children button is clicked.


There’s only 2 steps :

  1. Copy and paste the PHP code to the end of your child themes functions file or custom functionality/code snippets plugin for PHP.
  2. Copy and paste the CSS to end of your child themes style.css file and clear caching.


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