Show Products That Haven’t Sold in The Last Date Range WooCommerce

Code Demo

This code displays a custom loop of products which haven’t sold in the last x months. In this case, the last 3 months.

  • Objective: Display products that haven’t been sold in the last 3 months.
  • Process:

    • Calculate the date 3 months ago from today’s date.
    • Query products from the database.
    • Filter products based on specific conditions.
    • Display the filtered products.
  • Filter Conditions:

    • Include products with zero sales.
    • Include products with a sale end date before the last 3 months.

Video Demo

Shows products added to cart and sold which are then removed from the custom loop which only shows sold products within a set date range.


There’s only 1 step : Copy and paste the code to the end of your child themes functions file or custom PHP code snippets field/plugin.


Line 16, modify this value to anything you like :

-3 months


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