Dimensions Fields for Length Width Height in WooCommerce


This plugin enables the storeowner to set the measurement unit and prices per unit for width, length and height on any single product page for any product type.

You can use the dimensions fields on a per products basis by using the checkbox on any product page type.

On the frontend, customers can set the values for product dimensions for width, length and height.

Measurement Fields & Labels

You aren’t restricted to using length, width and height. You can use any measurement unit type you like and name them anything you like. You’re also not restricted to using 3 fields. You can add 1, 2 or 3 fields and only the fields with prices are displayed on the single product page as seen in this image :

The dimensions also display on the :

  • Order received page
  • Order emails
  • Order details page for admins

Plugin or Code

Simple one click installation or copy and paste the code to your child themes functions file. You’ll also find some CSS to style the fields you can add to your additional CSS file or child themes style.css file.

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