7 Ideas To Make Your Blog Better

There’s Billions of pages on the net so how do you make your blog better so it stands out? Don’t follow everyone else. Three of the most important points for blogging are: Authentic, Personal, Experience.


1. Create Your Own Social Groups

Why add content to someone else’s group? Start your own Social groups so others post content and comments to your group. This builds content for your benefit therefore more search engine traffic to your site.

2. Use a Content Delivery System

There’s community social media apps that update & spread your content to every SM site on the net. This builds backlinks, new visitors and fresh subscribers on a regular basis. One tweet or Facebook post a day won’t bring you much in the way of traffic.

3. Add Anchor Points (Scroll Points)

About half your readers won’t scroll ‘below the fold’. Make it easy by adding a contents index for your sub headings at the top of the post. Link the table of contents to your sub headings below the fold, add html anchor points and you’ll get clicks below the fold.

4. Add Unique Descriptive Titles

Paste the title into the Google search box before you publish it to see what your up against. If its already there then change it to something totally unique which includes the main keyword or keyphrase which describes your blog posts content. On Page SEO & keyword positions are crucial. Uniqueness is everything when there’s over 1 Trillion Zillion pages on the net.

5. Add Your Own Videos (Self hosted)

I use screenr.com but you can use anything you like. The amount of views you can get on Youtube is huge but how many click through to your blog? Not much unless you host them on your own server and install a free video player. Don’t follow what everyone else is doing or you won’t be unique. Aim to get your domain indexed by the search engines rather than Youtubes or your only driving traffic to Youtube. Drive video traffic to your site by adding a video sitemap.

6. Make Your Own Images

Its easy to create your own images using Microsoft Word as your editor. Using real images, charts & graphs which you create yourself are unique which is exactly what Google wants. Simply save them as an image, crop to size and insert into your blog. If you also install a free sitemap for images (Google loves sitemaps) they’ll also get indexed in Google images with a link back to your content.

7. Internal Links

Try the Wikipedia model and link keywords to post titles that you have already published. Google add related search links on the results page which can guide you when searching. Do the same for your readers but add them in your contents keywords. I paste the main keyword for each post into the search posts box to find which posts contain the content that keyword relates to and then i add the link in the WordPress editor.

Better blogging includes all the important on page factors when writing your posts. Get all the small things right and your blog will grow in the direction you steer it.

2 responses to “7 Ideas To Make Your Blog Better”

  1. StephRWong Avatar

    Awesome tips. All of the above are essential for making your blog easily viewable, appealing, and most importantly, getting people to come back!

    And as a community manager intern from Livefyre, welcome! Let me know if you have any questions

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