How To Show or Hide Sidebar Widgets On Specific Pages in WordPress

Have you ever wanted to hide sidebar content on specific pages or posts? In other words, you may only want to show content in a widget on certain pages if it relates to the content on that page.

The ‘Display Widgets‘ plugin for WordPress can help you show or hide any widget on any page or post simply by checking the right boxes.

Why would you want to use this plugin to show or hide widgets on your site? Here’s a few reasons:

  1. You have banner adds in your sidebar which show on all pages and only want to show the products which relate to the content on that page.
  2. You don’t want to show a RSS feed or subscription box on your c0ntact page but you do on all other pages
  3. You want to target specific pages with related content in your sidebar on those specific pages only
  4. You only want to show a list of links on some pages and hide on others

Displaying different widgets on specific pages is a great way to increase conversions and keep all the content on a specific page relevant to that pages title.

Show or hide widgets   This plugin is named ‘Display Widgets’ and once installed will add check boxes to all your existing plugins. You simply select, Show on checked or hide on checked and then check the boxes next to the pages you want to show or hide that specific widget on.

This image shows my blogroll links widget which i only want to show on certain pages which the links are relevant to.

You may also choose to show or hide specific categories of posts or a list of comma separated post I.D’s.

This result can also be achieved by adding PHP code however the use of this plugin is much easier and more flexible if you would like to avoid coding.

The Display Widgets plugin is available for free from the WordPress plugins directory and can also be used in any widget area on your site.

Pretty cool free plugin in my opinion and well worth trying if you’re wanting to show or hide widget content on specific WordPress pages.

Another option is to use the built in Sidebar Widget Manager offered by the Woo Themes framework. I use this feature myself rather than the plugin because its better quality and works 100% of the time if setup correctly.

The display widgets plugin did not work properly on some themes i tested and does not provide support or updates.

2 responses to “How To Show or Hide Sidebar Widgets On Specific Pages in WordPress”

  1. Abinash Mohanty Avatar
    Abinash Mohanty

    Hi Brad,

    I have just installed “Display Widgets” with my twenty thirteen child theme. It worked like a charm 🙂 Thanks for the article.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      No worries Abinash.

      Glad you like the plugin.

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