Google Real Time Traffic Analytics

Google now offers real time traffic data and analytics included in a  new set of reports showing you whats happening on your site at the time it actually occurs.

This is the biggest and best move they have made so far with analytics in my opinion and long overdue.

You only get 4 reports at the moment but i’m sure you’ll be able to customize any type of report you want at some stage over the next few months.

Google Real Time Analytics

Real Time Locations

This report is very simple displaying the locations of your site visitors right now. Its certainly a massive change from displaying reports which are one day behind. You can see the moment on your site from page to page so its very much live reporting.

Real Time Locations

Real Time Analytics Content

This report displays the pages/posts your readers are viewing at the moment. It would be good to see a list of popular posts, keywords and other data that’s valuable.

Real Time Analytics-Content

Measuring Blog Traffic From Social Media

When i publish a new blog post, i also promote the post to over ten social media groups & networks which the content relates to. Google real time now means i can measure the traffic coming from those promotions to gauge how effective they are.

The new real time reports also display when the traffic stops so you know when to start promoting again.

Campaign Tracking

Measuring the success of a campaign or new blog post is critical so you can gauge what works and what doesn’t. Google real time reports provide this information to you.

Tracking Social Media Campaigns

Sign Up For Real Time Analytics

Some admins will already have real time turned on however if you don’t, you can sign up for free here.

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