How To Block an I.P Address From Accessing Your Website

There are many reasons you may want to block an IP address from accessing your site and i think you shouldn’t even need a reason to block anyone anyway.

Its your site so you should be allowed to block whoever you want.

You can also block a domain from accessing your site which will include all users who have registered for that website or blog.

The easiest way to block access to your website or blog is by using the IP Deny manager in cPanel.

What is an IP Address?

IP stands for Internet Protocol and contains your host address and location (address). There are generally 2 types of IP addresses. Static (an IP address which stays the same) and Dynamic (an IP address which changes).

IP Address

Using IP Deny Manager in cPanel

Login to cPanel and navigate to the Security section where you’ll find the IP Deny Manager icon

IP Deny Manager

Click on the IP Deny Manager icon and enter the I.P address you wish to block from viewing your site.

Blocked IP Addresses

Blocking IP or Domain

You can enter either the IP address or the domain name of the person you want to block from viewing your site. You can block as many IP address as you like and they will show up in this screen in cPanel. If you wish to stop blocking a particular I.P address, you can simple remove it from the list of blocked IP addresses.

Blocked IP Addresses

Once you enter the domain name (without the www or http://) or the IP address of the website user you wish to block, a list of all blocked IP address will show up in your IP Deny manager. You can remove them at anytime.

Blocked IP Addresses

How to Find an IP Address

There are different methods you can use to find the IP address for a domain. Using a IP address lookup tool is the easiest way however you won’t need to use this tool if you have the domain name you wish to block from viewing your website.

The website provides a range of tools for IP Address lookup and DNS records.

Official website

The IP Manager in cPanel is the easiest way to block any domain, I.P address or website/blog users from accessing your site if you need to.

How To Block a Country IP Address

This is not something i recommend you do however you can read more about how to block an entire country from accessing your website at Country IP Blocks.

Hopefully you’ll never need to block anyone let alone an entire country but the tools are there if you need them.

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