How To Add a Blog To a Website

If you want to create a blog on  a website, WordPress is one of the best blogging platforms to choose for this purpose. Adding a blog to your website is a great way to bring traffic to your website which can increase readership, subscribers and sales for your business.

There’s various methods you can use to add WordPress or any other blog platform to an existing website however this tutorial will only deal with adding a WordPress powered blog to any type of existing website.

Choose Blog Directory

First step is to decide on exactly where you want your blog installed on your existing website. The 2 most common locations would be:

  1. – This is called a sub domain
  2.  – This is called a sub directory

It won’t make any difference which directory you choose to install WordPress in to create your blog. Once you have made a decision on where you want your blog installed, its time to install WordPress.

Here’s more on Sub domains & sub directories from Google’s Matt Cutts.

Installing WordPress in a Directory

  1. If you chose option 1, then you’ll need to create a sub domain in cPanel and install WordPress to that sub domain.
  2. If you chose option 2, then you can simply install WordPress in a subdirectory using a one click installation tool which the best WordPress web hosts offer or complete the WordPress installation manually. (Not recommended for beginners)

Setup Blog

Once you have successfully installed WordPress, you can setup your blog tab to your existing website and name it Blog. It is recommended to setup your blog on the same domain as your website. This is better for search engine optimization and helps build your domain authority and ranking for your website as well as your blog.

If you possess little or no experience with WordPress, you may find my free Guide to Getting Started with WordPress helpful.

4 responses to “How To Add a Blog To a Website”

  1. […] Adding a blog to your website is a great way to stay connected with your existing customers and build credibility and trust in your community. […]

  2. Hi Brad.

    On your page:

    you have an opt-in box.

    But I put my email in there and click Submit.

    I get error message Popup window:

    “The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled”Good luck, Mort.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Thanks Mort.

      I fixed the problem now. It was the Mailchimp email URL conflicting with the Feedburner URL which is an issue for the WOO to fix.

      I have also notified Mail Chimp

      They work full time on upgrading the framework so i have confidence in them doing this within 2 weeks

      Appreciate you letting me know. Cheers

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