How To Build Links To Your Blog Using Twitter

Have you ever tried building links using Twitter? Building links is a major part of off page Seo and helps increase your keyword positions in Google’s search engine results.

The more quality links you have from blogs & websites with a higher page rank and domain authority than yours, the more chance you have of getting a higher position for the URL’s receiving those links. Especially if those sites linking to you include content in your niche.

Cornerstone Content

One method which works really well is to create cornerstone content using the most popular videos from other sites in your niche which are highly rated.

You can also create lists of different ways to solve a problem or solutions for your niche’s most common problems.

You could take the top 3 videos from the top 3 sites in your niche and create a post about them targeted specifically at one keyword and solution.

Try and find 3 videos which focus specifically on one subject which are the most popular videos for the keyword you are targeting. You can then connect with the author of those videos on twitter and build a relationship with them to get a link to that post where their video is included.


If i create a blog post or cornerstone content about the best WordPress Seo Plugins and find the most popular youtube video’s produced by the best WordPress Seo plugin creators, i can then connect with the people that appear in those video’s or the owners of the Seo plugins which the videos focus on using Twitter.

Next step is to find Twitter users who have the keyword Seo plugins in their Twitter profile using a tool like Social Oomph or Tweet Adder and start connecting with them on Twitter as well as building a list.

Twitter Follower Lists

The aim is to create Twitter lists of people who have a common interest and get them to view the great content you have created focused specifically on one topic. Once you have created a list of the most popular video’s or best list of solutions, you know they’ll be interested in viewing your content and you’ll get links from some of them.

Once connected with the people who share a common interest, you will receive links to that content because you have inserted the most popular videos which many people have already shown huge interest in.

You can use an exerpt of content from many different highly popular articles which you put together on one page specifically targeting one keyword and use a Twitter service which finds followers who already include that keyword in their profile.

Build the twitter lists and you’ll get links from some of those people who are already interested in your content and are following you.

I use this method to build links using Twitter and it works very well as its targeted at finding twitter followers using the keywords you enter in the system.



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