Livefyre – The Best Comments Plugin for WordPress Increases Engagement

Livefyre Comments Plugin for WordPressEngagement with your readers is an important part of blogging and replying to comments is one part of that engagement which increases comments on your blog.

How about if you could also share the conversation across your social network and invite your connections to comment in real time?

Wouldn’t that also increase comments, engagement & traffic to your site?

Why not bring the conversation about your content on Twitter & Facebook to your blog. Wouldn’t this increase page views and time on your site?

If you’re not getting many comments, try installing the best WordPress comments plugin and boost your engagement with your readers?

The default WordPress comments system desperately needs an update as its out of date compared to Livefrye & Disqus.

Awhile ago i decided to install a comment plugin called Livefyre to try and increase comments and engagement on my blog content.

It worked but i uninstalled it later to try and speed up my site after installing too many plugins. This was a mistake.

Now that i have my site speed taken care of, its time to re install the plugin and start connecting again.

Best Comments Plugin for WordPress reduces spam

The reason i suggest Livefyre is because its a live comment system which also connects to your social networks so you and your readers can invite all your social connections to participate in conversations about your content on your blog.

Livefyre also requires users to login and comment using their social networks like Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. This substantially reduces comment spam to almost zero which is the reason big blogs like Techcrunch, Mashable and SEOMoz uses comment plugins like this.

You might think this will reduce comments but it doesn’t. Its only reduces spam comments and should actually increase qaulity comments that add value to your content and stimulate engagement from your readers.

I remember this was a concern when i first installed Livefyre back in 2011 and was surprised i recieved more comments.

Installing LiveFyre Comments Plugin

Installation is easy. Firstly, head on over to the Livefyre website and create an account.

Requiring an account to comment is totally up to the blog owner. If you’d like, you can activate Guest Commenting, but that’s completely up to you! JMattHicks – Livefrye

All you need to do then is install the livefrye comments plugin and click the link to import your existing comments into the system.

This make take a few minutes depending on your internet connection speed. Here’s the message you’ll get after installing the plugin.

You have comments that have not been synchronized with Livefyre, which means they won’t appear in the Livefyre interface. Click here to fix this.

Livefyre lets your readers login and comment using their social networks like Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.

This significantly reduces comment spam as spammers don’t operate this way and generally won’t use this method to leave spam links.

Social Connections

Livefyre Social Connections

Here’s a screenshot of the social platforms you can connect with.

One of benefits of using the livefyre system is you can connect and share you comments to your social networks.

This way you can invite others to join the conversation and increase engagements and comments further on your own site rather than someone else’s.

Livefrye Profile

You can also fill out a basic Bio so whenever someone clicks you name in the comments, they’ll be taken to your Livefrye profile page rather than your website.

Your profile page includes a description of who you are and what you do as well as your websites URL and name.

You can also add a link back on all your comments.

The best comments plugin for WordPress, Livefyre, gives you the opportunity to share your comments to your social networks and engage with your connections in real time.

Not something the default WordPress comments system offers.

What comment system are you using at the moment and what do you think so far about Livefyre?

Test out Livefyre right now in the comments below and see what i mean!

2 responses to “Livefyre – The Best Comments Plugin for WordPress Increases Engagement”

  1. […] i installed the Livefyre comments plugin and made the mistake of allowing non Livefyre users to comment on my blog […]

  2. JMattHicks Avatar

    Hey Brad, Jeremy from Livefyre here. We really appreciate you taking the time to review our product, offer such kinda words, and to make us a part of your community. We’re here for whatever you need, so if you ever have questions, feedback, etc., let us know, and we’ll help in any way that we can!

    We’re happy to have you rolling on Livefyre!

    Oh, and as a side note, requiring an account to comment is totally up to the blog owner. If you’d like, you can activate Guest Commenting, but that’s completely up to you!

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