Genesis Theme Framework Endorsed by Matt Mullenweg-Founder of WordPress

Matt Mullenweg on Genesis Theme Framework for WordPressGenesis is a premium theme framework for WordPress which all StudioPress child themes are built on. The founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg, has endorsed the Genesis framework with this statement:

Child themes and a framework are the only way you should build your WordPress site and Genesis has great support for child themes and other WordPress functionality. Matt Mullenweg (WordPress founder)

If you’re searching for a world class WordPress framework to create your website or blog with, the Genesis theme framework is an excellent choice.

Genesis Plugins

Once you install Genesis, you also get access to a range of plugins created especially for the Genesis framework and Studiopress themes.

Genesis plugins add even more functions to your Genesis powered WordPress site for easier customization.

Installing Genesis plugins enables you to add a huge range of custom functions to any Studiopress theme as they are all built on the Genesis framework.

You are no longer limited to the individual design and site options of your Studiopress theme and chances are, you won’t need any coding skills.

6 responses to “Genesis Theme Framework Endorsed by Matt Mullenweg-Founder of WordPress”

  1. […] both themes and plugins can be had for free, Matt Mullenweg himself has suggested that premium themes are often a better choice. However, just a cursory glance at some of the essential plugins for […]

  2. […] both themes and plugins can be had for free, Matt Mullenweg himself has suggested that premium themes are often a better choice. However, just a cursory glance at some of the essential plugins for […]

  3. […] both themes and plugins can be had for free, Matt Mullenweg himself has suggested that premium themes are often a better choice. However, just a cursory glance at some of the essential plugins for […]

  4. […] support is built into the core Genesis framework, you just need to add one line of […]

  5. […] you use a premium theme framework like Genesis, Thesis or Woo, you’ll have access to a users […]

  6. […] up, Genesis. Hey, Matt Mullenweg, Founder of WordPress, said Genesis is the way to go. Enough reason for me to give it a […]

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