Derek Halpern – Fastest Blogger To Build Thier Email Subscriber List

Derek HalpernDerek Halpern, pictured left, is the author of Social Triggers. A blog about the psychology behind blogging and what triggers people to take action.

Derek is also a reader of this blog and has linked here.

I’m connected to him because of my use of the Thesis theme for WordPress and i’m a subscriber to DIY themes blog where he’s a writer as well as a user of the Thesis theme himself.

Check out this must watch video where Derek gives away some of his secrets.

Derek has become famous for the short amount of time (11 Months) it took to build a large list of email subscribers without publishing on a regular basis.

His advice is to focus on a niche market and create totally unique content.

How I Build My Email Subscriber List

The 2 main email list tools you can use to build your list are:

  1. rss by email and
  2. using an email service like MailChimp or Aweber

Its very difficult to biuld a huge list of subscribers using rss however its not the case if you use an email service.

The reason for this is you can offer a free ebook in your sidebar to encourage your site visitors to subscribe. This simple strategy is far more effective than simply offering a subscribe link or box anywhere on your site unless you can write content like Derek Halpern.

I’ve been following Derek Halpern from the very start because of my connection with Thesis and now his name is actually a keyword you’ll find in Google adword keyword tool!


How about you. Whats your strategy for building your email subscriber list and do you follow Derek Halperns blog, Social Triggers?

One response to “Derek Halpern – Fastest Blogger To Build Thier Email Subscriber List”

  1. Well, my strategy is by offering relevant news and giving little extra to my Email newsletter subscriber…Also I created a separate landing page for Email subscriber which helps a lot.

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