WordPress Marketing Theme Built By A High School Kid

Last year i discovered a new guy was working on the Thesis theme with Chris Pearson, the owner. I’d seen this kid write a few tutorials about optin boxes, conversion tips and other marketing related tutorials to help increase conversions.

Yesterday i read a post on Quicksprout which told the story of how he skipped College and created his own theme business. His name is Alex Magnini from Texas and he’s made about 6 themes which i took a good look at over the last 2 days.

The best one in my opinion is named Marketers Delight 2. He’s already updated it and its a ripper theme for converting visitors into subscribers.

Narrow Landing Pages

I’ve been trying to get a landing page for Woo themes that’s narrow. The reason for this is its more focused and easier to read. My theme offers a built in Full page width which filters the sidebars but i wanted something that was skinny like what Darren Rouse uses at Problogger or even narrower.

Marketers Delight 2 has this page template built into the theme.

Feature Boxes

If you use Thesis, you’ll know the DIY themes blog includes a feature box for opt ins at the top of the page. They have written about this and how its increased their conversions substantially. This theme’s feature box is a lot nicer in my opinion. What do you think?

There’s 2 types of feature boxes to choose from:

  1. Red Feature Box
  2. Standard Feature Box

You can use one type on one page and another on a different page. Obviously your homepage normally recieves the most amount of traffic so you can easily enable one of the two there.

No coding needed unlike you’d need to do if you’re using the Thesis framework on it own.

Pricing Tables

There’s a couple of different built in pricing tables to choose from and you could easily change the hex code colors in the css if you wanted to create a custom  color. Even i understand how to do that!

I asked Alex about linking the buy now buttons to eJunkie or another type of payment gateway which also includes affiliate tracking and this is what he replied me:

Yes, you can. Just paste your codes into the skin and you’re set.

Orb Lead Box

Nice looking lead box which guides your readers through a 3 step sign up process. This is fairly unique rather than using arrows or square boxes.

Not sure where he got the name Orb from but i think he’s been watching a video featuring Derek Halpern who has some great tips about online marketing and what triggers people to take action.

You’ll understand why he’s used  a unique name if you watch this video.

Page Templates

Marketing Delight 2 also offers 7 page templates which are unique. When you select a page template the also get extra customization for that type of template added to that page.

Page Templates

This way you can easily add extra customization like feature boxes, comparison tables, Orb leader box etc etc etc to any specific page. The only way to do this previously would be to learn both css & php coding but now its far easier.

Kolakube theme’s already offer the coding built in and allow you to focus more on adding your own custom HTML which is easy to create yourself using the WordPress editor.

Everything about this theme is focused on engaging with your audience, marketing and increasing subscribers.

Changing Themes

I also asked Alex about changing themes from Woo to Thesis because when i switched to Woo i had formatting problems. This is what he replied me with:

And it depends. There are always hiccups when you switch theme frameworks… but at our support forum, we can help you with the transition.

 And it depends. There are always hiccups when you switch theme frameworks… but at our support forum, we can help you with the transition.

Theme Lock

I’m locked in with Woo Themes because i have so many shortcodes and other built in features which wouldn’t work if i installed Marketing Delight2 on top of Thesis.

I changed my mind and decided to move back to Thesis to back Alex because he’ll learn fast at 18 and i can learn from him.

He’s taken Thesis beyond what Chris Pearson has done with the Thesis framework and put youth and fun into blogging.

If you’re already using Thesis or not locked into a theme, this is one of the best WordPress marketing theme’s built on a very popular framework. Great theme for $37 however you’ll also need to fork out $87 for the Thesis framework if you don’t have it yet. It won’t work otherwise.

Seen any better, share your opinion in the comments.

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