Copyblogger Review

copybloggerFinding content that’s really useful which also helps you solve problems and improve as a blogger isn’t easy.

The reason i’ve chosen to write about copyblogger is because i have found it to be useful and it has also helped me improve different aspects of my blog.

That’s one of the reasons i’m writing this review, because i want to share my best external resources with the readers of this blog.

Another reason is because of the results of my recent survey.

Thanks again to all my readers who took the time to complete the survey. The information helps me help you and Copyblogger is one solution which will help you learn more about increasing traffic to your site by writing great content.

Brian’s blog will also help you increase your subscribers, that means  (build your audience) and learn more about internet marketing, email marketing and SEO.

Another reason i find Copyblogger so good is because i’m really not a great writer in respect of grammar and writing sales type copy. I can write compelling content though based on my own personal experiences but i guess the bottom line here is that i want to improve.

One of the greatest challenges bloggers face is writing compelling content because compelling content converts, attracts links and results in an increase in your subscribers, or audience as Brian Clarke puts it.

Disclosure: I’ve never met Brian Clarke (who’s still recovering from his former life as an attorney) however i have communicated with him via email once last year regarding a guide he wrote. I also don’t know anyone at Copyblogger. I have communicated several times with different staff in different departments of Copyblogger Media LLC because they own several WordPress related products which i use or have tried out on client sites.

Brain Clarke(Looks like he’s still recovering!)

There’s many reasons i like Copyblogger.

Here’s a list of what they offer on their site.

Let me know what you like about them or any real stories on how they helped you in the comments please. 

What Copyblogger Offers You

Copywriting – Creating compelling stories that grab attention. What you’ll learn:

  • Copywriting for Search Engine Optimization
  • Training for Copywriters
  • Writing Headlines: The Most Important Copywriting Skill

Content Marketing– Trust, credibility, and authority

  • The individuals and businesses that are having the most success online tend to take an approach that involves a high ratio of valuable content that seemingly has no sales agenda, mixed with periodic promotional messages. Source. Copyblogger

SEO Copywriting – How to Create Compelling Content that Ranks Well in Search Engines

Modern SEO is all about crafting content so compelling that other people want to promote it by linking to it or sharing it, which increases your trust and authority and helps the pages you want to rank well for certain keywords. Source: Copyblogger.

Email Marketing – Your valuable information for your prospect’s valued time

It’s also amazingly cost-effective. With an ROI of around 4,300% (according to the Direct Marketing Association), email practically pays for itself. Source: Copyblogger.

Landing Pages – Turn Traffic Into Money

Internet Marketing – Internet Marketing for Smart People is a free 20-part course and ongoing email newsletter.

  • Relationships
  • Direct response copywriting
  • Content marketing
  • Have something worth selling

I don’t think Brian’s an SEO purest in respect that he doesn’t spend a large amount of his time studying SEO. But he does write about On page SEO and includes very practical tips on how to make your content more search engine friendly.

As far as off page SEO is concerned, Brian writes more about creating cornerstone content as well as compelling content that attracts links naturally. I doubt you’ll find much technical analysis and hard core industry jargon about SEO on copyblogger.

According to Copyblogger, blogging involves connecting with your audiences:
  • Challenges
  • Frustrations
  • Needs
  • Goals

Copyblogger is all about helping you:

  • get traffic
  • attract links
  • increase subscribers
  • grow revenue and profits!


I can’t really find anything i don’t like about Copyblogger or Brian Clarke. When or if i do, i will update this review and explain why. His blog is a totally free resource suited for anyone that needs any type of help with any of the subjects and topics listed above.

One of the most compelling reasons i read Brian’s blog is a statement he made about himself. He says he didn’t start out as a great writer, he worked at it and learn’t from some of the very best over the last 6 years. This means that you can be a great writer just like him if you want to be and he’ll give you what you need to improve your writing as well as links to some of the best resources he used to get where he is today.

If this blog doesn’t help you let me know. I’d be very surprised!

Next time i’ll be reviewing an amazing blogger who writes far differently to Brian Clarke from Copyblogger. He’s one of the most unique writers on the planet and regardless of whether you understand his story, you’ll be sure to find it very entertaining. I think you’ll agree.

What do you think about copyblogger?

Ever tried or own any copyblogger products?

6 responses to “Copyblogger Review”

  1. […] you have found value by reading my Copyblogger review, feel free to share it and/or comment it, thank […]

  2. […] Share:PinterestLinkedInTwitterFacebookMoreStumbleUponBloggerDiggTumblrPrintEmailHave you heard of Copyblogger? If your an internet marketer or blogger, you probably have come across Brian Gardiner’s […]

  3. Here’s another comment then… 🙂

    Great review on Brian (Clark, that is) and the content we provide over on the site. I’m not there as much as I’d like to be because of the large amount of time I spend with Genesis and child theme development.

    Nonetheless, I like to commend folks when they legitimately do reviews that are valuable. Great job!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Thanks for the motivating comment Brian.

      Time to put my comment widget in the sidebar!

      More real reviews coming up shortly with some very entertaining writing styles from people involved with WordPress that we don’t here much about.

      Looking forward to seeing your upcoming child themes.


  4. Thanks for the review, Brad – I’m glad you’re finding Copyblogger (and our WordPress products) helpful!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Rebecca

      WOW! Got a comment from Copyblogger! Feel good now!

      I use the Genesis framework with the Agentpress 2.0 child theme on a property rental site. Its one of the best for real estate and looks great.

      I’ve been following Brian and copyblogger for nearly 2 years and always felt he had a lot of credibility
      What convinced me to really start digging deeper into the copyblogger content for help was when he wrote about himself not starting out as a great writer.

      That meant’t to me that i could learn and improve my writing which i wanted to share with the readers of this blog. I always thought writers like Brian where born with that talent.

      I’ll have to find the exact quote and include it in this review.

      I created a survey recently after watching Darren Rowse from Problogger on video behaving like he was a kid who had struck gold because he got all this valuable feedback which he could use to write content his readers needed.

      The main topics on copyblogger provide many of the solutions my readers need based on the feedback i received from the readers who responded to this survey.

      Have you tried surveying your copyblogger readers?

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