Increase Subscribers By Running a Contest Using WordPress

Have you ever thought about running a contest on your blog?

It’s a great way to increase subscribers and get more traffic to your site.

At the same time giving everyone a chance to win something of value.


The easiest way to setup and manage your contest is to install a contest plugin.

There’s many ways to increase subscribers but this would have to be one of the most effective.

  • You can easily integrate this plugin with Aweber or MailChimp
  • Each entrant receives a unique link which they can use to promote the contest for more chances of winning
  • Entrants can mention and follow you on Twitter after entering a contest
  • Entrants can “Like” or Subscribe to your Facebook profile after they have signed up
Contest Form

Plugin Settings

General Settings

Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, you’ll need to configure some basic settings before you create your first contest.

Entries Per Referral


You’ll easily find a free template for contest rules on the internet as a guide on what to use for the default settings.

Default Contest Rules

If you’re running multiple campaigns, you can create custom rules for each on the Add New Contest page.

What this plugin does is it creates a custom post type with the slug “contests”.

Branding Settings

Here’s can can upload your logo.

Branding Settings

Template Directory

Choose a template which fits in with your give away and existing website appearance.

Template Directory

Social Settings

Choose your preferred Facebook Social method.

Social Settings

Mailing List Settings

You’ll need to create a new list using either Aweber or MailChimp and enter the API key into the settings.

Mailing List Settings

Add New Contest

All you need to do here is create the content for the sign up page.

  • Add a featured image to display the prize
  • Enter a start and end date
  • Add custom rules for this contest if different from the default rules
  • Add Participants to a specific Mailing List

Contest Winners

Contest winners will be displayed after the contest has expired.

Contest Winners

After your entrants sign up, here’s an example of the page that will be displayed.

Share Contest

Tips for Running a Successful Campaign


If you don’t have a huge email list, try and hook up with someone that does.


If you do have a decent sized list, why not find a sponsor that’s willing to donate a product or service in exchange for promotional work.


Use a good contest plugin which handles the heavy lifting.

You can manually create a contest using WordPress however that requires a lot of time and effort.

If you’re wanting to increase your email list, using a plugin that makes it easy to integrate with your existing email service helps make the job easier.

All you need to do is create a new list.

One response to “Increase Subscribers By Running a Contest Using WordPress”

  1. Here is what happens when you go to co test plugin site.

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