3 Useful & Most Popular Premium WordPress Plugins

Good quality, well coded plugins are worth paying for, for many reasons.

You know that they’ll be updated whenever there’s a security issue as well as when the WordPress core is updated.

The support is generally better compared to the best free plugins.

The only problem is many premium plugins now require you to pay an ongoing price to keep using them and receive access to updates and support forums.

With that in mind, let’s check out some of the best premium plugins and take a look at the benefits of using them.

Backup Plugin

The second most popular premium plugin is BackupBuddy.

Moving your site to a new server or changing domains isn’t that easy.

You can do this manually but even the pro’s use this plugin because it saves so much time and effort.

You can also send a full backup to your favorite storage provider automatically, daily, weekly or anytime you like.

Knowing you’ve got a complete copy of your site stored in a secure location gives you the easiest way to restore your site if your live site is hacked.

This is an Excellent plugin for:

  • Migrating WordPress to a new web host,
  • Restoring your backup files and database
  • Moving your site from a local setup to a live web server

Cons – Yearly renewable subscription otherwise you don’t get support and updates.

Visual Composer

One of the easiest ways to create custom designed pages in WordPress using drag and drop.

You could use a theme like Headway or Pagelines but then you’d have to change themes.

Simply install this plugin and you get all the flexibility to create quality custom designed pages that normally only experienced web designers could create.

Watch the video to see how visual composer works and examples of what you can do with this plugin.

Cons – Takes a bit of time to learn how to use properly however much faster than learning php & css coding.

Newsletter Plugin

Want to send blog posts to your subscribers using your own email address?

Its not easy finding a plugin for this purpose that does makes your posts look as good as the big email service providers like Aweber and MailChimp.

This plugin includes an autoresponder, email templates and integration with popular paid subscription eCommerce & checkout services.

This premium plugin also offers a forms extension where you can create forms very much like Gravity forms.

View the video on how to create sign up forms.

Cons – Can only send 50 emails per hour unless you create a cron job on your server.

Mega Menu

The most popular premium mega menu plugin is UberMenu.

This plugin makes it easy to add a huge range of links and icons to the WordPress menu system.

You can also add images and html to your menu as well as shortcodes.


Styling your web pages without knowledge of coding isn’t easy unless you use shortcodes.

Some themes offer built in shortcodes but they generally won’t work if you change themes.

The best solution to solve all these problems is to install a plugin which enables you to easily insert shortcodes.

Styles with Shortcodes is the best plugin for the job.

Landing Pages

It’s been proven time and time again that landing pages convert.

The more attractive and visually appealing they are, the better they convert.

The only problem is you’ll need design skills including knowledge of css & php in order to create an effective landing page.

One of the best solutions to solve this problem is to use the best premium plugin for the job.

All you need to do then is make a decision on the layout, styling and appearance of your landing page.

Styling your landing page and adding the functions you need to convert readers to subscribers or buyers is easy if you install Premise.

It’s also the best plugin if you want to create a sales page.

This plugin works with any theme on any framework and also enables you to build:

  • Membership sites
  • Receive recurring payments
  • Drip feed content to your readers
  • Sell digital products
  • Create private forums

Check out the showcase of landing page examples owners of the Premise plugin have created on their site’s.

One of the benefits of owning Copyblogger Media products includes the fact they always make their products more useful.


Do you use any of these premium WordPress plugins yourself?

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