How To Create Content That Answers Searchers Questions

I’ve already written about what i use as the foundation for creating effective content.

Google has also released a range of questions they actually use when judging the quality of a websites content. You can use these questions as a checklist yourself when creating content in new blog posts.

On top of this, i’ve included tips on how to find new idea’s for creating content based on questions searchers type when using search engines.

Providing the best qaulity answers to questions people are searching for in your niche is what you should be focusing your new content on.

These answers help searchers solve the problem they need help with which is why they are searching in the first place.

Questions & Answers

Researching your readers needs produces questions they need answered based on their challenges, frustrations and goals.

It’s these questions you should be focusing on answering so your readers stay on your site longer.

At the moment, Google is rewarding url’s which include video content that compliments the text on page.

If you don’t produce video’s, do your research and find quality video content which directly supports your posts content.

Questions & Answers for Content Creation

Don’t be afraid to give out links to high quality content that supports your own unique content.

This produces the most useful and relevant answers to your questions which searchers are looking for.

In support of this, you’ll find high authority sites with questions and answers are ranking very well in the search engine results at the moment.

Complimented with high quality video’s, this content becomes even more useful as long as it’s focused on answering the questions the searcher needs help with.

Finding Idea’s for Questions

You’ll need to focus your research on finding questions directly related to your niche.

Better still, find questions you know you can answer really well based on your own experience solving the problem.

Focus Key Phrase

One of the reasons i use Yoast’s SEO plugin is because it includes a field for a focus keyword or key phrase.

Keeping your content focused on that key phrase is important so you keep your answers relevant to the question.

Keyword research will help you find the most relevant focus keyword and related keywords you should be focusing your content on.

This should all be based on the answers you will be providing in your content.

Titles & Descriptions

I’ve already written about the best practices to use when creating titles and meta descriptions.

Keyword research will help you find the key phrases and words which to use in your titles and desciptions.

This will help increase click thru rates to your content.


Finding the right questions which you enjoy answering based on your own experience and passion for your niche is one of the keys to creating content that answers searchers questions.

Google is about answers. Marketers have to focus on offering unique value for objective queries.The key will be to focus on content that has original value – such as original reviews, unique data or insight. Source: Matt Cutts

Here’s another 20 idea’s on how to create compelling content from Copyblogger.

One response to “How To Create Content That Answers Searchers Questions”

  1. […] Create unique, relevant & compelling content that’s answers your readers questions […]

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