Hand Pick Your Own Related Posts For WordPress

Have you ever written a post and thought, ‘does this content answer all my readers questions’?

Its pretty much impossible to try and cover all bases in a single post don’t you think?

You can add internal links to other posts on your site and hope these posts provide the solution your reader is searching for. You can also add links to related posts at the end of your content area.

The only problem you might find is that your related post links aren’t always related as the plugin you use isn’t always accurate.

Even the most popular related posts plugins aren’t very accurate sometimes.

Rather than add links to related posts manually, there’s another solution.

Install a plugin which allows you to choose your own related posts.

Microkids Related Posts for WordPress Plugin

Once you install the plugin it adds a custom field in your Edit Post screen below your editor.

Use the search items box to find posts by keyword and then select them to be added to your related posts list after you content.

Search Related Posts

Related Items

Add related items

Related Items

Related Posts in Sidebar Widget

You also get a widget which you can put in your sidebar to display related posts.

Using the related posts widget in conjunction with custom sidebars is a great way to keep all the content on a page including the sidebar filled with related content and links to related content.

You can display the widget above the fold which should increase page views.

I know YARPP already provides this feature but you don’t get to choose what links you want to display in your sidebar.


  • Display related posts using widget, shortcode or php in your theme template
  • Include reciprocal links on both related posts
  • Choose title for related posts
  • Display thumbnail with related post link (Add custom image size to your theme for related posts)
  • Customize the order of related posts
  • Include different post types in related posts


Pretty basic stuff but a very useful plugin for those that want to choose their own related posts don’t you think?

You could always deactivate the plugin if you don’t like the results which would remove all your related post links.

Beats removing them manually.

This plugin will add a few more minutes each time you create a new post but also give you complete control over which related post links are displayed.

Discover more awesome features included in Microkids related posts plugin.

Do you think this is the best related posts plugin for WordPress?

2 responses to “Hand Pick Your Own Related Posts For WordPress”

  1. I am creating a knowledge base, that includes three types of visitors, and then FAQ questions based on the type of visitor. I would like to MANUALLY include related questions within each FAQ page. Your plugin will work alongside posts, but will it work alongside the FAQs? If not, do you know of another one that would?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hello Mia

      There’s over 30k plugins now so its a matter of searching the WordPress plugins directory and testing the ones you think are worth spending some time with.

      Personally, i prefer hand coding as much as possible because its more flexible and easier to modify.

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