3 Facebook Like For Downloads Tools

Increasing Facebook followers isn’t an easy task.

Its not that difficult to get someone to like your Facebook page.

Update : Here’s a WordPress plugin you might want to try as Facebook have apparently banned like for download apps.

But whats the use of gaining followers who have No real interest in the content you’re posting to your Facebook page?

Its harder to add followers who have a real interest and a real use for your content.

So you have to get smart.

Like For Download

Like for download is simple.

You produce something like an eBook, mobile app or digital product which you allow to be downloaded.

All the recipient of your download needs to do is like you Facebook page.

They then get immediate access to the download button within seconds. No double opt in or finding emails to click links.

Its one of the best ways to increase you Facebook followers so you also get access to their network as well.

Like To Download Plugin for WordPress

Very simple, easy to setup plugin that works.

  1. All you do is add the url to your download file and save the default settings.
  2. Click the icon which gets added to your editor to insert a shortcode for the download link.
  3. Add your Facebook page url and you’re done.

Facebook Like to Download for WordPress

Inserting Facebook Like to Download Link

Here’s the popup you get in your editor.

Add Download Link

Facebook Like to Download Gate

The final tool you can use to add a Like to Download link on your website is a code generator.

Go to inbound now to create the code and paste it into your WordPress html/text editor.

Facebook Like To Download Gate

Here’s what it looks like once you’ve pasted the code into your web page.

download image


Who said getting more Facebook followers was difficult?

fb stats

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