Finding A WordPress Expert For Hire

I’ve found most people who hire me have already hired someone from one of the web design freelance sites.

I can’t comment on what i think of any of these sites because i simply don’t have any experience with them. I’m sure there are some excellent people who offer their services on these sites but i also know there’s other ways to find specific help with WordPress.

The difference between the recommendations below and freelance sites is that freelance sites make money from listing people whereas these suggestions don’t.

Rather then research and republish a list of sites which offer WordPress freelancers for hire, i’ve decided to give it to you as i see it based on my experience.

If a friend asks me where’s the best place to find an expert with WordPress, i’d give them this information:

Code Poet

The Code Poet Directory lists Enterprise-level WordPress professionals, web designers, and developers.

Its a site which is maintained by the company behind WordPress, Automattic.

You can no longer apply to be listed and they’ve always been very careful about who they list on this site.

If you’re on a budget, i doubt you’ll find anyone who’s listed on this site will come cheap.

Recommended Theme Designers

I’ve already written about 3 of the biggest theme providers for WordPress who all maintain a list of recommended designers.

The people on these lists are generally experts in customizing and designing using one specific theme framework.

If you’ve already made a decision on which theme you want to use, i suggest you use the recommended list to find the best person for the job.

WordPress Forums

There’s some excellent forums for WordPress users.

Some of the people who volunteer on these forums are highly experienced and full time WordPress Consultants and Developers.

Some of these people have been working on these forums for years and answered thousands of questions about WordPress.

I personally offer help to WordPress users on some of these forums and have posted over 10,000 answers to questions about how to solve problems with WordPress and customize different themes.

I see the same names come up on a daily basis and know which people are specialists in different areas of WordPress. Some are good at CSS whereas others are good at php or Photoshop. Others are good at plugin and theme development.

Blogs About WordPress

There’s some great blogs which contain resources for WordPress users run by full time WordPress Consultants and Developers.

Some of these blogs publish content which is written by internet marketers who focus on content marketing by creating lists that target search engine traffic and driving traffic to posts containing random advertisements.

Others create content based on the connection they have with their readers, commonly asked questions about WordPress and ideas picked up after spending time answering questions posted on quality community forums for WordPress users.

Generally, a blog about WordPress which contains tutorials written on a regular basis by the same author is far more credible than a blog which uses guest authors to submit content based on other peoples experiences and idea’s.

Personally, i test all code and solutions contained in tutorials on a local installation of WordPress and spend several hours a day on several WordPress forums answering questions and learning more about how best to fix problems with and customize WordPress themes.

In my opinion, the best blogs about WordPress don’t use random advertisements and don’t accept guest posts from anyone unless they have a track record for helping people solve problems with WordPress as a volunteer as well as a full time professional WordPress consultant.


You need to do some homework when looking for specific help with WordPress. Hiring the right person for the job will result in a good experience whereas hiring the wrong person can create a big mess and turn into a nightmare.

A client recently hired me to fix problems with their WordPress site caused by a web designer who didn’t specialize in WordPress. Fixing the problems can end up costing more money than the work should have cost in the first place!

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