Change Order Of Displaying Post Types & Categories

Where would you be without plugins?

If you need to change the order of which posts are displayed on your home page or any archive pages, you have 2 options.

  1. Learn how to write custom PHP code using WP_Query or pre_get_posts
  2. Install a good plugin

Let’s check out a couple of plugins which do the trick nice and easy.

You’ll also find some code snippet examples at the end of the post if you prefer coding.

Post Types Order

This plugin also works for custom posts types and enables you to drag and drop posts to display in any order you like manually. You can also use the auto sort feature.

Firstly configure the settings.


Then go to Posts > Re -Order and drag your posts into the order you wish them to display on your blog page or home page archives.

Post Re-order
Includes a premium version named Advanced Post Types Order which enables you to arrange the post order of categories, tags and custom post types.

Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order

This plugin enables you to change the sort order of categories and all custom taxonomies terms using a Drag and Drop Sortable javascript capability.

Configure the settings:

category sort

taxonomy order

Use PHP Code To Alter Order of CPT Archive Posts

You can use this custom function with any of the order and orderby parameters.

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