WordPress 3.6 – Short Review

What’s new in WordPress 3.6?

  • Native support for Video & Audio Embeds & shortcodes
  • Navigation Menu UI Update
  • Twenty Thirteen – New Default Theme
  • Post Revision User Improvements
  • Improved Auto Save & Added Post Locking

All features are now included in 3.6 beta however there will be a few bugs and plugin authors will need to update some plugins so they are compatible.

For this reason, its probably not a good idea to update to version 3.6 of WordPress on a live site or you may find a plugin or 2 not working properly.

Video & Audio Support

No longer will you need to install a plugin to play video’s or audio files in WordPress.

The core media files include native support for playing of audio files including ‘mp3’, ‘ogg’, ‘wma’, ‘m4a’, ‘wav’ file extensions.

The core WordPress media files also include native support for playing of video files including ‘mp4’, ‘m4v’, ‘webm’, ‘ogv’, ‘wmv’, ‘flv’ file extensions.

There’s 3 ways you can embed your video or audio files in posts and pages:

  1. Using the new post formats plugin(when released)
  2. Paste the url to the file on a single line in your editor
  3. Use shortcodes

Navigation Menu UI

You’ll find creating and editing menu’s a bit different as the UI has been changed.

wordpress 3.6 menu ui


New Default Theme – Twenty Thirteen

If you didn’t already know, you’ll find a new default theme included when you update to WordPress 3.6.

Read more about Twenty Thirteen.

twenty thirteen theme

Post Revisions

Big improvement here if you want to restore a revision.

Post RevisionsYou can use the slider at the top to toggle different revisions and view the different versions side by side before restoring a chosen revision.

Auto Save Improvement

Read more about auto save and post locking here.

Video Intro

How About You?

What’s your favorite new feature in WordPress 3.6?

2 responses to “WordPress 3.6 – Short Review”

  1. Elliott Richmond Avatar
    Elliott Richmond

    Nice about time too!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Yes and just a little bit late!

      And Matt is working on 3.8 already i hear. Should be out in Dec.

      Just one thing i should add. If you’re using the beta tester plugin and update, it might update to version (3.7-alpha-24954) like it did with my installation.

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