How To Sync a Local WP Development Database With a Live Site

The Pro version of WP Migrate DB plugin allows you to copy your db from one WP install to another with a single-click in your dashboard.

I’ve already written about how you can use the free version to change url’s in your database when migrating to a new domain, server or directory.

In my opinion, this plugin provides the best free solution when migrating WordPress and is a serious alternative to popular premium backup and migration plugins like BackupBuddy.

Video – Pulling Live Data Into Your Local Development Environment

2 responses to “How To Sync a Local WP Development Database With a Live Site”

  1. Mathew Porter Avatar
    Mathew Porter

    Now this is what I have been wanting to do for ages! I cant say that I haveenough technical know how to configure the local site to sync to the live db. thanks.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      It looks fairly easy to setup Mathew.

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