Add Multiple Sliders In Header On Different Pages

It’s not easy to find a free slider plugin which also enables you to create more than one slide show. Most free slider plugins only allow you to create a single slider unless you upgrade to the premium version.

Here’s one of the best free plugins for creating multiple sliders, as well as enabling you to display your different slide shows on different pages.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to add different sliders to specific pages simply by adding some PHP to the end of your child themes functions.php file.

Note: This code uses Genesis hooks however you can easily change these to your own theme specific hooks. The conditional tags can also be changed and the i.d’s for pages, posts and specific slider i.d’s should also be changed to your own.

Code for Using The Soliloquy Lite Plugin

Use this code if you have installed & configured the Soliloquy slider lite plugins settings.

Once you create 4 different sliders, you should grab the header width from Appearance < Header and use that in the plugin settings to configure the width of the slider. The images you upload to each slider should also be cropped to this width preferably before you upload them as you can then determine the best quality slider images.

Other Slider Plugins

If you simply want to display video content into your slider, the Slide Deck plugin is one of the best options for doing this.

If you want a free responsive slider plugin for a single slide show only, the Easing Slider Lite plugin is one of the best options.

Both sliders can be displayed using a short code in a custom functions or by adding it to the header.php template file.

4 responses to “Add Multiple Sliders In Header On Different Pages”

  1. Pritchett Avatar

    How would I go about adding this below the header and right before the content?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Depends which hook, but try something like this in your functions file

      add_action(‘loop_start’, ‘add_slider_before_loop’);
      function add_slider_before_loop() {
      if ( function_exists( ‘soliloquy_slider’ ) )
      soliloquy_slider( ’88’ );

      Simply replace the 88 in the code with the i.d for your slider.

      Assumes you’ve installed the Soliloquy Lite slider plugin

  2. Keith Davis Avatar
    Keith Davis

    Useful info Brad
    Is Soliloquy slider lite plugin worth taking a look at or do you need the full version?

    I liked the look of Soliloquy, but it’s one of these plugins that you buy and then have to pay an anual fee for updates and support.

    I don’t mind paying for a good plugin but I’m always reluctant to go with ongoing costs.

    Do you know if the Genesis responsive slider is being revamped to be usable in more than one location.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      The free version works really well so you don’t really need to upgrade.

      I hope the Genesis slider is updated so its more flexible but haven’t heard anything.

      I’ll let you know if i hear anything Keith.

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