Online Tool For Removing HTML Tags From Text & Code

Don’t you just love the WordPress editor sometimes? Just when you least expect it, you click the text/html tab and find a heap of div or span tags added to your text or code!

Don’t stress, because I have found the ultimate solution on how to clean them up quickly and easily.

Enter the HTML Tag stripper tool which is a free online solution you can use several ways.

You can simply copy and paste anything into the box or add a file. On top of this, you can remove all HTML tags or exclude the ones you want to keep.

Here’s the before and after shots

Code Containing Unwanted HTML Tags

text with html tags

Code After Removing HTML Tags

removed html tags from code

Great for cleaning up CSS code and text which contains a heap of span and div tags.

Remove Attributes

If you want to remove some or all attributes, here’s a tool which enables you to do this.

This tool enables you to keep any of these attributes:


And you can keep any of these HTML tags:


4 responses to “Online Tool For Removing HTML Tags From Text & Code”

  1. Theresa Wagar Avatar
    Theresa Wagar

    Hi Brad,

    I use Notepad to clean up code and recommend my clients do the same. Quick easy and ready to go on your desktop (unless you have a Mac). Is there an advantage to this online program over notepad??

    Thanks. Theresa

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Theresa

      The online tool is great if you have a large amount of div or span tags that need removing as it does the job in one click.

      I didn’t know Notepad can clean up code.

      Thanks for the tip.

  2. Hello Brad, Thanks so much for the share and the tools also. Yes for the most part I love WordPress’s editor but if your like me and are always editing your HTML codes then you know it’s always a mess in there.

    I often find my self having to clean things up a bit. Thanks so much for posting this I also have it set to go out on Twitter. Have a great day..RobG

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You’re welcome Rob.

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