Add Custom Post Type Support To Genesis Simple Menu’s Plugin

Another good reason to use Genesis to build and customize your WordPress powered site is the big list of theme specific plugins. Not everyone likes code or has the time and patience to learn PHP and CSS.

In this post we’ll take a look at the Genesis Simple Menu’s plugin which makes displaying different menus as easy as it can be.

simple menu

The plugin enables you to select a different menu to display on any post or page on your site without touching code. The only problem is, it doesn’t provide support for custom post types out of the box.

That’s easily fixed simply by adding one line of code to your child themes functions.php file.

In this example, the code will add the simple menu’s box to all posts assigned to the portfolio post type. Simply change the name in the code to the name of the post type you have created.

add_post_type_support( 'portfolio', 'genesis-simple-menus' );

If your post type is named video, the the code will look like this:

add_post_type_support( 'video', 'genesis-simple-menus' );

That’s all there is to it.

If you don’t add this code to your functions file, Genesis Simple Menus will not display the box to choose different navigation menus on any edit screens for posts assigned to your custom post type.

Here’s a post about how to change and convert different post types in WordPress which you may find useful.

2 responses to “Add Custom Post Type Support To Genesis Simple Menu’s Plugin”

  1. Hi Brad. Thanks for all the helpful articles!
    Is there a way to assign a genesis simple menu support to the custom post type archive page as well? I already have the simple menus set up for the CPT and it works fine… just wondering if it can also be set up for that CPT archive page.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Yes there is.

      I wrote an article about how to do this with a taxonomy type which you can use as a guide

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