Add Slider Background To The Minimum Pro Theme

In this tutorial, i’ll show you the easiest way to replace the default background image in the new Minimum Pro child theme with a slideshow.

Update: Here’s another way to replace the after header background image on the front page of Minimum Pro with a slide show

Rather than modify PHP & CSS code, you can simply hook in a new responsive slider.


Here’s a few code snippets you can choose from depending on which slider plugin you want to use:

Please copy the PHP code from the view raw link and paste it in your child themes functions.php file.

Easing Slider – Free Version

Easing Slider – Pro Version

Soliloquy – Free Version


If you want the images to display before your tagline, simply paste the PHP before the code for your tagline in the functions file. Otherwise paste it after the tagline code if you want it to display below your tagline.

You can also use a third parameter for positioning priority when hooking in different functions using the same hook.

Other Options

10 responses to “Add Slider Background To The Minimum Pro Theme”

  1. […] Download ImageMore @ […]

  2. Hi Brad – will this solution work as a background for a widget? I am hoping to make the background of one of my widgets on my home page a slideshow of images, while keeping the text widget with my copy on top. Thanks!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Haley

      What theme are you using?

      And which widget?

      1. I’m using the Agentpress theme from Studiopress. It’s the widget called home-top, the first image on the home page. You can see it here:

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Please send me login details and FTP access.

          Also, do you have some images for the slider?

          1. I just sent all the info through your “support” form – let me know if you need more info. Thanks!!

  3. Frances Avatar

    Brad i’m also from the StudioPress forum. I’ve tried to use some of the tools you’ve given to setup the full width slideshow for minimum and my site has crashed and has been down for two days.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton


      You haven’t copied and pasted the code correctly.

      You forgot to add an extra closing curly bracket.

      Please copy ALL the code from the view raw link and paste it at the end of your child themes functions.php file using a text editor like Notepad++

  4. Hello Brad! i am from the my.studiopress forum, i really appreciate your help and tips.
    I have installed and tried what you say on this post and if you can look my website i have some issue at the bottom of the single image that i uploaded for the slider (more images soon) there is a white margin that i don’t know how to remove…

    how do i remove it?
    help please 🙂

    and thank you again!!!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Daniel

      The white margin is built into the theme using CSS code.

      You can remove it simply by removing the code for it in your child themes style.css file.

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