Align Gravity Forms Fields Side by Side In 2 Columns

This post includes the best solution if you want to align Gravity Forms Fields next to each other in 2 columns.

In addition to using CSS code to customize Gravity Forms, you can also add classes to the Gravity forms builder to customize your form.

Standard Contact Form

Firstly, here’s what a standard contact form will look like:

Gravity Forms

Align Form Fields In 2 Columns

Lets align the email & website url fields so they are side by side and look like this:

align fields

All you need to do is add 2 classes.

Go to Forms > Edit > Edit Field > Advanced > CSS Class Name and add gf_left_half to the Website field and gf_right_half to the Email field.

align gravity form fields in 2 columns

Here’s what it looks like when adding the new class.

edit form fields

Style Gravity Forms In Genesis

StudioPress themes include CSS code for styling Gravity Forms.

Here’s the code included in the Genesis Sample theme:

More Gravity Forms Tips

2 responses to “Align Gravity Forms Fields Side by Side In 2 Columns”

  1. Super nice

  2. Thank you!! This is a great tip 🙂

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