Add Support For Creating Custom Taxonomies To Existing Portfolio Custom Post Type

Some of the older StudioPress child themes include a portfolio custom post type.

If you want to add one or more custom taxonomies to your existing Portfolio CPT, you can simply be following 2 steps.

  1. Copy the taxonomy-portfolio-type.php file from the Executive Pro theme by StudioPress to the root directory of your child theme.
  2. Add this PHP code to your child themes functions.php file:

That’s all there is to it.

Now you will find a new menu link named Types under your existing Portfolio menu in your Dashboard which displays this page.


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2 responses to “Add Support For Creating Custom Taxonomies To Existing Portfolio Custom Post Type”

  1. Scott Tyner Avatar
    Scott Tyner

    Brad thank you for sharing this post with me from over at the StudioPress Forums. I knew I was getting my wording mixed up for what I needed and this was perfect.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      I think you’ll be able to add multiple portfolio style archive pages for different CPT categories (taxonomies) very easily now Scott.

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