Display Only Featured Image & Title On Different Content Archives Using CSS

This CSS code hides the entry meta and content excerpt from displaying on any category archives page.

Simply put, the CSS code prevents the post info/meta and excerpt from displaying so only your post image and entry title display.

All Category Archives

.category .entry-meta,
.category .entry-content p {
display: none;

All Archives

.archive .entry-meta,
.archive .entry-content p {
display: none;

And here’s the result:

archive page

You can also modify the code so only the featured/post image and title display on your home page or blog page.

Home Page

.home .entry-meta,
.home .entry-content p {
display: none;

Blog Page

.page-template-page_blog-php .entry-meta,
.page-template-page_blog-php .entry-content p {
display: none;

Pretty simple solutions which you may find useful at some stage.

Can also be done using PHP code.

Using CSS To Solve Similar Problems

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