Outreach Pro – Add Extra Home Page Widget

I wrote this tutorial in response to this question:

Outreach Pro Theme – Add Extra Home Page Widget

I would really appreciate it if someone could provide me with the code to add an extra widget to the Outreach Pro theme right below the home-bottom widgets.

I just want this widget to show up on the Home page, and I will use it to display text content on the Home page.

You can do this several ways, however the easiest is to simply duplicate the code from the front-page.php file and make a few changes.

Here’s what the code in this post enables you to do:

Duplicate Widgets

Paste the code to register the widget at the end of your child themes functions.php file.
Replace the entire front-page.php code in that file.

The code uses the same home-bottom class as the default widgets which means it uses the same styling written to style the 4 Genesis Featured Page widgets inline. Simply change the class if you want to use other widgets in that area or to create a single, full width widget area.

You can also use any other existing class like home-top or add a unique class and then extra CSS to style the new widget area differently.

You can also change the hook position if you want to display the widgets in a different location on your front page.

16 responses to “Outreach Pro – Add Extra Home Page Widget”

  1. Hey Brad,

    Thank you so much for the content! Question. What if I wanted to add more than one widget? I don’t know PHP beyond some pattern recognition, and was just going to repeat all of the steps after success adding the new home bottom and creating a custom class, however I noticed there are numbers in the add_action line of code and I’m not sure how they correspond and didn’t want the site to blow up.

    Thank you!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      How many widgets do you want to add?

  2. Brad,

    Thanks for the tutorial. I got the widget area to register and appear fine, but when I duplicate the ‘home-bottom’ class in my stylesheet and then rename it ‘extra-home-bottom’ to try and style that widget area differently, it’s not working, even when I change the call in functions.php. Thoughts?


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Link to your site please Kent.

      1. Brad,

        Appreciate the reply – I got it sorted, thanks.


  3. This worked – thank you! I have two widgets listed in the extra homepage section but I’m still struggling to get them to display correctly. Any tips (or plugin suggestions) for lining up widgets horizontally and tweaking the size and the space in-between so they each take up 50% of the page?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You can use display: grid; or float: left; and float: right; https://wpsites.net/web-design/add-featured-widgets-inline-anywhere-in-genesis/

  4. Jack Kenyan Avatar
    Jack Kenyan

    Hi, Brad. this seems exactly what I ive been looking for. however when I paste the “extra-home-bottom” code you provided, can only see the widget area on the backend (dashboard) but can see anything in the front-end. Kindly assist.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Jack

      That only registers the widget.

      Then you also need to add code to your front-page.php file.

      I have included the entire front page file which also includes the new widget.

      1. Jack Kenyan Avatar
        Jack Kenyan

        Thanks alot man didnt expect an answer that fast! followed as u said and it worked like cham. just one more question, I want one line of the two Home Page Widgets to be full width and the other one below it to be split into 4 like you’ve described. been trying withought success. Thanks and God bless

    2. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Simply add another widget using a unique function name, unique widget I.D and a hook which executes before the loop like the genesis_before_content_sidebar_wrap hook.

      1. Jack Kenyan Avatar
        Jack Kenyan

        Thanks alot

  5. Keith Davis Avatar
    Keith Davis

    Keep those Outreach Pro tuts coming Brad.

    I’m seeing a client this week who is likely to tell me to get on with his site and I will be using Outreach Pro… with some of your customisation.

    Many thanks.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Let me know if you want me to write one.

      1. Keith Davis Avatar
        Keith Davis

        Will do Brad.

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