Add Outreach Pro Sub Footer Widgets To Agency Pro Theme

Nanci asked me this question recently:

Outreach Pro (just released) has a really cool widget on the home page that flows through to every page in the theme: Sub-Footer. I am trying to install same footer on Agency Pro

Outreach Pro Theme by StudioPress

Here’s the code i used to add it to the Agency Pro child theme by StudioPress.

There’s 2 blocks of code in this Gist.

  1. The PHP code needs to be copied from the view raw link and pasted at the end of your child themes functions.php file using a text editor like Notepad++.
  2. The CSS code should be pasted near the end of your child themes style.css file, before the start of your Media Queries.

The Result

Here’s the screenshot from my local installation of WordPress showing the Outreach Pro themes sub footer widgets added to the Agency Pro theme.

sub footer widgets

I’ve populated the sub footer left and right widget area’s with 2 calender widgets for this demo.

3 responses to “Add Outreach Pro Sub Footer Widgets To Agency Pro Theme”

  1. Can this also be used on the Executive Pro theme?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Should be fine to use on any theme.

      The CSS code may need some tweaking in some cases but i think its pretty straight forward.

      1. Thanks

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