Genesis Developers Style Page Template

I was hired recently by the owner of a music website to write some code which turns any archive page into a 2 column grid like the Genesis Developers list on

I was able to get the job done in less than 30 lines of code which can be very easily modified.

Here’s the first version.

genesis developers by studiopress

And here’s a modified version which i improved afterwards that uses even less code.

developers studiopress

You can use either the content limit or excerpt length in Genesis.

The code used to create both the examples above is significantly different than the code used to create the team members page template for Genesis.

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4 responses to “Genesis Developers Style Page Template”

  1. This is great! I love that styling. I’m going to bookmark this, for when we revisit redesigning our website. One of the big challenges is for the archived content, which is just a jumble of links on a page.

    Not all of our content will have images, though. Is it possible to have the code pull images, where available, then style slightly differently if you just have text? So, for example, if there is no image, the headline would be centered?

  2. Looks like that would be really handy in a number of cases. Would you mind sharing how you coded it for reference?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Only for clients on this one Michael

      1. Fair enough!

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