Change Tiled Gallery Content Width For Jetpacks Tiled Galleries

Be default, Jetpacks Tiled Gallery module is set at 500px.

You can find this code in Jetpack > modules > tiled gallery > tiled-gallery.php on line 302.

The good news is the function has a filter applied to it as you can see in the code.

The CSS located in Jetpack > modules > tiled gallery > > tiled gallery > tiled-gallery.css on line 17 also uses the declaration float: left; meaning the tiled gallery group of images will float left.

.tiled-gallery .gallery-group {
	float: left;
	position: relative;

You might want to either:

  • Increase the width of the gallery group
  • Style your tiled gallery

Modify Width Of Tiled Gallery Content Width

Please copy ALL the PHP code from the view raw link and paste it at the end of your child themes functions.php file using a text editor like Notepad++

Style Your Tiled Gallery

1. You can either copy over the CSS rules from the plugins style sheet to your child themes style.css file and add the !important rule

2. Or, dequeue/deregister the plugins style sheet and enqueue a copy of it in your child theme if you want to fully customize your tiled galleries in a separate file from the safety of your child theme.

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3 responses to “Change Tiled Gallery Content Width For Jetpacks Tiled Galleries”

  1. Hi, how can i do to make this width responsive?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Customization support for members only.

  2. Stefan Hartman Avatar
    Stefan Hartman

    Quick and easy fix. Thanks a bunch. Thumbs up and all that stuff! Thanks again!

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