Replace Minimim Pro Themes Front Page Grid With 2 Column Widgets

Here’s a question i think you’ll find interesting if you like or use the Minimum Pro theme by StudioPress.

I would really like to change how the posts are appearing on my front page. My site lists posts in two columns, but I’m not able to separate between the two different post categories that I use.

This is how I wish it would look. Two columns, the left one lists posts from one category, and the right column list s posts from another category.

Is this possible with the Minimum Pro theme?

Absolutely possible simply by removing the grid loop code from the front-page.php file and adding 2 widgets populated with Genesis Featured widgets.

Here’s the result:

split featured widgets

Code Installation

There’s 3 code blocks

  1. The code in the Gist labelled front-page.php needs to replace the entire content of that file.
  2. The Gist labelled functions.php includes the code to register the widgets which should be pasted at the end of your child themes functions.php file
  3. The last Gist contains the CSS code and the Media Queries you can paste at the end of your child themes style.css file.

Mobile Responsive?

The widgets change to 100% width at 1023px which you can easily change in the Media Queries.

mobile responsive

4 responses to “Replace Minimim Pro Themes Front Page Grid With 2 Column Widgets”

  1. Hi Brad… thanks again for all your great tweaks!

    I”m wondering how to get the Smart Podcast Player short code to display the podcast player on in this eg.

    I’ve added add_filter( ‘entry_content’, ‘do_shortcode’ ); to functions.php

    The shortcode is in the first entry of every post. This already works for the powerpress short code and the embedded audio player shows up in the grid but the Smart Podcast Player doesn’t.

    Any suggestions.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Not really the best way to do things which is why i always like to use template tags.

      Shortcodes are only for the editor and i think its best to create a widget or better still, hook in your content using your functions template tag rather than use shortcodes.

      This is how you use shortcodes in a text widget (added to your child themes functions file )

      add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);

  2. Stephanie Treasure Avatar
    Stephanie Treasure

    How would the code above change if you are using the sample theme and you want the 2 widgets on a static home page (appearance – > reading – > static home page)? I want video on the left and an optin form on the right.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Just coded that solution for a client and have also written about several ways to do that on this blog.

      There’s no one size fits all solution so generally code will need to be tweaked depending on which theme you’re using and other factors.

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