Single.php Post Template File For Genesis

You can use conditional tags to modify the default output of single posts via a custom function in your functions file.

If you’re more comfortable with template files or simply want to try something different, you can simply create a new file named single.php

Code Installation

  1. Using a code editor like Notepad++, create a new file named single.php
  2. Click the view raw link in the Gits labelled single.php and copy & paste the code into your new file.
  3. Upload the file to the root directory of your child theme.
  4. Add the CSS code from the Gist labelled style.css to the end of your child themes style.ccs file and add your own declarations.

Once you’ve uploaded your new single post file, you can paste in PHP code for add_actions and remove_actions to customize your single posts.

You’ll find a list of all the Code Snippets on the StudioPress resources page for members.

Go to StudioPress > Forums > Resources > Code Snippets.

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