Testimonials Category Archive Page Template For Genesis

Here’s a free category page template you can use for Testimonials, Quotes or anything else you like.

Testimonials Archive

Code Installation

  1. Copy the PHP code from the view raw link in the Gist labelled category-testimonials.php and paste it into a new file named category-testimonials.php using a code editor like Notepad++. Upload the new file to your child themes root directory.
  2. Copy the CSS from the style.css Gist and paste it near the end of your child themes style.css file, before the start of your Media Queries.

Creating Each Testimonial

Simply follow the steps in the visual guide below.

Edit Post


Members get access to the CSS which generates the styling seen in the above screenshot:

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4 responses to “Testimonials Category Archive Page Template For Genesis”

  1. Thanks. These are issues with Genesis and Gutenberg.

    The testimonials template does not use get_current_screen or genesis_header_body_classes

  2. […] Genesis Testimonials Category Page Template […]

  3. Torben Avatar

    I’ve been looked so long for this feature in genesis. Thank you so much Brad!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      I nicked the CSS from someones site! hahaha

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