Customize & Change The Width Of The Epik Themes Landing Page

If you look in the style.css file of the Epik child theme you won’t find any CSS code to change the width of the landing page.

In this tutorial, i’ll give you some sample CSS you can use to modify the width of the landing page templates content area.

Epik Landing Page

In response to this forum question:

I’m trying to make a landing page template that has my header and footer intact, sidebar widgets removed, and a centered text area of 720 pixels. I’ve got everything figure out except for the centered text area. Does anybody know off the top of their head the line or two of code needed to do that?

.epik-landing .entry-content {
width: 720px;
margin: 32px auto;
margin: 2rem auto;
padding: 48px 64px 0;
padding: 3rem 4rem 0;

You might also like to center the entry title:

.epik-landing .entry-title {
text-align: center;

If you open the Epik themes page_landing.php file, you’ll find this PHP code which you can modify.

Simply remove the lines of code for each remove_actions.

One response to “Customize & Change The Width Of The Epik Themes Landing Page”

  1. Thanks for the help Brad, I got it working now!

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