Connect Mad Mimi To Genesis eNews Widget

If you like Genesis and you like Mad Mimi, you may also like this post.

I’ll show you how to use Mad Mimi with the highly reliable Genesis eNews Extended plugins widget.

Step 1 – Get Plain Embed Code

  1. Sign in or create a free Mad Mimi account.
  2. Go to Webform > Edit > Add Field > Embed > Plain Embed.

This is all you need to take out of the plain embed code.

If you only want to display the email field, skip the Add Field step and go to Webform > Edit > Embed > Plain Embed.

mad mimi web form

Step 2 – Genesis eNews Widget Fields

  1. Paste the URL into the Form Action field in the Genesis eNews Widget.
  2. Paste signup[email] into the E-Mail Field
  3. Paste signup[first_name] into the First Name Field if you want to collect the first name of subscribers
  4. Paste signup[last_name] into the Last Name Field if you want to collect the last name of subscribers

Here’s what the eNews widget settings look like with the email and first name fields configured:

email and first name


The URL i have included in the Gist above includes my Mad Mimi account number which you will need to change to your own.

Excellent support for Genesis eNews Extended by the plugins Developer and Automattician, Brandon Kraft.

More About Mad Mimi

4 responses to “Connect Mad Mimi To Genesis eNews Widget”

  1. Julie Sherman Avatar
    Julie Sherman

    Thank you so much for this tutorial! You just saved me loads of time helping a client. I appreciate it!!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      No worries Julie

  2. Gretchen Louise Avatar
    Gretchen Louise

    Thank you for this tutorial! I spent hours troubleshooting my form only to discover (thanks to your tutorial!) I hadn’t used the right field names.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You’re welcome Gretchen and thanks for your positive comments and support.

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